Thursday, September 6, 2007

God protects Belize yet again...

We are praising the Lord for the sudden change in direction of Hurricane Felix. We are however still thinking and praying for those in Nicaragua and Honduras who got absolutely hammered by the HUGE storm. The eye was headed straight for central Belize and turned about 48 hours before hitting us. So all we got was a couple of feeder bands with decent wind and heavy rain. Nothing that we haven't seen before. So if you think of it, pray for those that are in the worst hit areas. It sounds pretty bad! Here is a story on the hurricane. GLOBAL ARTICLE

We continue to do well. School is becoming a real cool thing. God is showing us new things everyday. Our schedule is mostly getting up in the morning at about 6am, being at school by 7am and then starting school at 8am. We get home in the evening at 6pm or a little later usually. And then we shower, eat and go to sleep at around 9pm. During the week we don't have much of a life. haha! But somehow God gives us strength for it! He has been so good to us in the last 2 months as we undergo huge changes in plans! From a house being available to our decision to stay, God has been preparing the way ever since we started this transition. Praise God!

We would love to hear from you! Our e-mail address is drop us a note! Also you can see pictures of our life at

God bless,
Blaine & Melissa Dueck

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